Bad guys want to sell this process to other countries and kill anyone in the way.

The characters are trained military guys given drugs to create psychic powers, but at times they have pain from it. Shadow Warrior will be out June 4, 2019! We're currently working on the Shadow Warrior book trailer which will be out in a few weeks.I had to force myself to keep reading. You can now watch the book trailer for Shadow Warrior! I hope you enjoy it. Shadow Warrior made #1 on Publishers Weekly, #2 on New York Times, #2 on USA Today, and Shadow Warrior has even made Apple Ibooks Top 10 e-books! They are still working on the cover, but we should have something up later this year. I finished Shadow Flight and turned it in! This is Taviano's book and I'm so happy with how it all came together. Shadow Flight book cover and back copy are now up on my website along with pre-order links! The first chapter of Shadow Flight is now up and available to read! The Book Trailer for Shadow Flight is out! I'm doing a re-read of the entire Shadow series as we gear up for Shadow Flight and you can join me over on my Goodreads Blog for the discussions as we re-read together! I just put up a blog over on Goodreads talking about Forbidden Love - Shadow Flight's Taviano and Nicoletta There's another Shadow Flight blog up on Goodreads! It's The Youngest Ferraro Steps Out of the Shadows about Taviano.

Thank you so much for making Shadow Flight #1 on Publisher's Weekly and #6 on the New York Times as well as other lists! I appreciate you more than you know and am so happy you enjoyed this book! I'm so excited that Shadow Flight hit #2 on the New York Times Mass Market list! Thank you everyone! I've decided to call the book Shadow Storm! I just started writing Emme's book which will be out next year. Shadow Storm now has a tentative release date of May 11, 2021! I love the book cover for Shadow Storm so much! I hope you will too! She looks so mysterious and intriguing. They start work on the book trailer for Shadow Storm this week! I'm curious how it will turn out! The first chapter of Shadow Storm is in the community! And I just saw the book trailer! I really loved it! That will go up soon as well! You can see the booktrailer for Shadow Storm now! It's HERE! Thank you to everyone for your continued support! Shadow Storm is #1 on Publisher's Weekly, #3 USA Today, #3 New York Times combined list, #2 Wall Street Journal and #3 Apple e-book! I will be continuing the Shadow Riders series in 2022 with Shadow Fire! SHADOW FIRE will be Elie's book! And it is now available for pre-order.

So excited to share the beautiful cover for Shadow Fire. Here is the book trailer for Shadow Fire.