Slightly is described as the most conceited of the boys, because he believes that he remembers what life was like before he was "lost." However, most of his "memories" are based on misunderstandings: for example, he claims to know what his last name is because his pinafore had the words "Slightly Soiled" written on the tag.

The only thing he remembers about his mother is that she always wanted a cheque book and says he would love to give her one-if he knew what it was. Nibs is described as happy and debonair, possibly the bravest Lost Boy.At the end of the novel, he returns to London with Wendy and the other lost boys and eventually grows up to become a judge. When Peter takes possession of "The Jolly Roger," Captain Hook's pirate ship, Tootles takes Smee's place as boatswain. Tootles is the first to defend Wendy when she wants to return to London. Wendy however survives, and Tootles is spared. When Tootles realises his mistake, he asks Peter to kill him. He is the one who shoots Wendy with a bow and arrow after Tinker Bell tells them that Wendy is a bird that Peter wants killed. Tootles is described as the most unfortunate and humblest of the band, because "the big things" and adventures happen while "he has stepped round the corner." This however has not soured but sweetened his nature.Not to be confused with Toodles (disambiguation).