
Dr ivan van sertima they came before columbus
Dr ivan van sertima they came before columbus

dr ivan van sertima they came before columbus

Most are extremely informal in appearance and content, and don’t seem to try to be factually sound, with phrases like “according to Wikipedia.” Many credit aliens with using humans to build pyramids around the world including Egypt, China, and the Americas, as well as other ancient structures such as Stonehenge. These websites have a wide spectrum of theories and details in alien contact theories. After typing, “aliens built the pyramids” into a Google search there are over 700,000 results. Theories that Aliens had to do with the building of the pyramids around the world are rampant on the Internet. Van Sertima uses biased sources, which infects his evidence with bias there are also major problems with his theory. Van Sertima put his research into They Came Before Columbus in 1976.

dr ivan van sertima they came before columbus

One of the most well known and respected cultural diffunionists is Ivan Van Sertima, who believes Egyptians of the twenty-fifth dynasty, sailed across the Mediterranean, the Atlantic ocean to the Americas, where they had enormous influence on civilizations of Mesoamerica, including the Ancient Olmec.

dr ivan van sertima they came before columbus

Those who support the idea of transcontinental cultural exchanges in antiquity are labeled cultural hyper-diffusionists. At the same time there are marginally more legitimate alternative history theories worth researching, that the ancient world exchanged cultures across continents to a much greater extent than we are aware of. There are extreme ideas of aliens creating Pyramids and other landmarks around the world and giving humanity technology. We see cultural symbols such as the Pyramids around the world and human nature tells us to connect the dots somehow, instead of giving each civilization independent authority. It seems difficult even for historians to understand how civilizations develop their traditions and cultures.

dr ivan van sertima they came before columbus

Ivan Van Sertima: They Came Before Columbus

Dr ivan van sertima they came before columbus